Monday, February 29, 2016

Former BoE chief King predicts collapse of the eurozone

Well informed with a n economics and business hat on, travelled through the Blair/Brown years and into the coalition years makes him a voice to listen too:

Former BoE chief King predicts collapse of the eurozone -

Coming to the end of his 10 years in office, the then governor said it was “astonishing” that eurozone authorities had not realised the bloc needed higher inflation in Germany, permanent transfers from countries such as Germany to nations such as Greece, or to break up.

At the time he said: “I don’t know what the right answer is”, a view he has toughened in his book to say that attempts to find a middle way, in which Greece is offered concessional loans on lax terms by the rest of the eurozone, will not work.

“The attempt to find a middle course is not working. One day, German voters may rebel against the losses imposed on them by the need to support their weaker brethren, and undoubtedly the easiest way to divide the euro area would be for Germany itself to exit,” Lord King says.

At the other end of the spectrum a politician known to represent working people in the north west shares some of the same opinion, with the slant on welfare:

I wonder along with Boris and Gove, who else on either side will tip the balance one way or the other. Im still undecided!

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Secret aid worker: by not measuring impact, NGOs are abusing their power | Global Development Professionals Network | The Guardian

#metrics #effectiveness

Secret aid worker: by not measuring impact, NGOs are abusing their power | Global Development Professionals Network | The Guardian

Biometrics in aid and development: game-changer or trouble-maker? | Global Development Professionals Network | The Guardian

It will be interesting to watch the deployment, adoption, impact and outcomes on the road to 2030!

"In terms of the SDGs, biometrics can offer the means to end the preventable deaths of newborns (SDG 3.2) by ensuring that every last child is registered under polio and tuberculosis eradication initiatives. It can also ensure social protection to the neediest in society (SDG 1.3), allowing beneficiaries to access welfare payments or cash transfers with the swipe of a fingertip."

Biometrics in aid and development: game-changer or trouble-maker? | Global Development Professionals Network | The Guardian

A German entrepreneurial spirit to heal refugees’ plight -

And this technology approach goes beyond the European immigration issue and well into the global health network of sub Saharan Africa in my view.

A German entrepreneurial spirit to heal refugees’ plight -

What are the economic consequences of Brexit? -

Scenario, Assumptions, Argument, Verdict.

Interesting method, question is whos up for some risk, not journalists and corporations! Yet!

What are the economic consequences of Brexit? -

Will be fascinating in the run up, at the poll and afterwards for 2 weeks, 2 months, 2 years, 2 decades. Revisit!


The Countdown to 2020: measuring progress in neglected tropical diseases - The Lancet Global Health

When tracking NTD developments remember:

The Countdown to 2020: measuring progress in neglected tropical diseases - The Lancet Global Health

Friday, February 19, 2016

Apple’s misjudgment over San Bernardino -

At a technical and security level Tim Cooks letter made a lot of sense, after all the mobile operators and ISP's will have a lot of what the FBI need.

It will be interesting to see how this narrative develops:

"Apple, and others, need to realise that, however powerful they are, and however popular their products, they do not live in a moral universe of their own creation."

Apple’s misjudgment over San Bernardino -

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Unlocking innovation: hamster wheels and fly wheels | Bond

A great piece on the heads up verse heads down approach to progress and innovation. Encompasses the challenges in the world of international development, poverty and conflict and speaks to the issues of internal and external drivers that many of the player constantly need to be vigilant on. There has been a ground swell of critism and supporting narrative of what works, whats effective, does efficient trump effective etc etc

Reminds me of the mantra I hold dear from my Microsoft days - don't let the urgent get in the way of the important!

Unlocking innovation: hamster wheels and fly wheels | Bond

Nice one James Whitehead Oxfam GB    James is Global Innovation Adviser at Oxfam GB

Will look to find more like this!

Why Taylor Swift's Grammy Acceptance Speech is Required Listening for CEOs |

Why Taylor Swift's Grammy Acceptance Speech is Required Listening for CEOs |

Im not a Taylor Swift fan nor critic but this is a well written piece about leadership, narrative, discourse and not being distracted by whoever around you thinks they are entitled!

Judge orders Neymar assets seized in tax case -

Going after high profile individuals makes sense and the rules, policies and compliance in this area is so important.

However I suspect as a footballer he probably has a very modest back history before football and probably isn't equipped with the financial, legal and strategic skills to have even thought of all this let alone work it out and make it happen, so I do hope they dig deep into his manager, his clubs, his bank, his financial advisors and find out where the real trail that led to this lies!

Judge orders Neymar assets seized in tax case -

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

India tells Vodafone to pay up $2.1bn or risk asset seizure -

This one keeps rolling as did the tax issue on Vodafone in the UK until a settlement was reached a few years ago.

In light of the storm google faced in the UK about unpaid tax and a sense of unfairness generated by the press and politicians and shared by the public, most of whom use google for free and so get real value for nothing, this is interesting. It will be useful to watch this over the years as to how a local population delas with a foreign player and how those countries, its companies, govt, tax office and people respond in terms of holding each other to account, or playing games of politics and perhaps even corruption, of narrative as much as money and power. What's the difference I hear you ask! #transparency #accountability

India tells Vodafone to pay up $2.1bn or risk asset seizure -

Sunday, February 14, 2016

The four lies a successful chief executive must always tell -

The trouble with generalisations is they are generalisations, but this is quite a good one to keep in mind:

  • The first rule is never to admit to not enjoying the job.
  • The second truth you are forbidden from uttering is that you don’t like or rate anyone at all in your organisation.
  • Third, bad-mouthing your company is out of the question.
  • The final thing my friend has learnt never to tell anyone is that he’s not sure.

The four lies a successful chief executive must always tell -

Friday, February 12, 2016

Why millennials go on holiday instead of saving for a pension -

Being a father of millennials this is interesting as I think about my own pension, assets, income and fun times ahead!

Why millennials go on holiday instead of saving for a pension -

Friday, February 05, 2016

Virgin Care among firms with lucrative NHS deals and a tax haven status | Society | The Guardian

So many ways to spin the narratives as I see through discussions I stumble upon on the web, some very informed some less so

What I often wonder about as I see the like of Boots (the UK pharmacy retailer) move their HQ and tax burden offshore ie Switzerland and cut tax to almost zero, is what does that do to the small vital retailers that cant do this. This is the big issue, yes we want global trade and global efficiencies but we want small companies to start, grow, exist and sustain, its what keep the economic vitality going and that's a struggle in the face of this > Virgin Care among firms with lucrative NHS deals and a tax haven status | Society | The Guardian see Zizek on my FB comments in the thread above, not that that is just one of many narratives.

Lets keep all eyes on virtue signalling from such groups and hold them to account as well as hold those who spend our taxes. Perhaps if both sides were effective and did the right things they and everyone else would want to play ball.

Wednesday, February 03, 2016

Silicon Valley titans drawn to Britain’s AI talent pool -

AI has a long way to go, but go it will!

Silicon Valley titans drawn to Britain’s AI talent pool -

Yahoo cuts jobs and explores sale options -

Steve Ballmer tried to buy them Satya Nadel at Microsoft is surely the likely front runner!! we will see!

Goolge taking over the market cap #1 from apple raised the stakes for Microsoft to one day win back that crown, surely!

Yahoo cuts jobs and explores sale options -



Monday, February 01, 2016

Financing Global Health - Data visualisation

Combining my interests in global health and data visualisation this interactive tool is awesome especially if you click through the forms of data by region as well as health focus and pick and year like 1990 to compare to 2014!

Financing Global Health | IHME Viz Hub

Other good data and visualisation ive used and mentioned before (I think) include:

Plus some summary data from an NGO as an example