Tuesday, May 26, 2015

How to turn a liberal hipster into a capitalist tyrant in one evening | Comment is free | The Guardian

This is a good article for me, it shows how the Guardian are trying to position themselves in the light of the last Labour defeat and the proof that they and Labour mis understood their readers and the wider public and they want to find face in shifting their rhetoric.

It shows the nature of a created symbolic order formed by words, it shows what is being signified and what the signifiers are and it tries to present a case of a road that others are going down that they do not think they should, or at least that's how I read it.

How does the scenario of economic development lift people out of poverty, where and why does it start, how is momentum gained, at what point are the brakes applied or thye direction or rules changed.

Is this a supply driven or demand driven thing, do people what to buy Chinese stuff no, do they want sweat chops no, who is selling and who is buying what. I think it points to micro equality and ethics being driven upwards and macro inequality and ethic being imposed downwards. At some stage it normalises, by who and how. I don't think the left or right now, I think its down at the people level and of course there are many forces and effects there. Helping everyone is never easy but critical to be effective for the most people and ensure no one is left behind. No real answers in this link but the thinking divide is clear:

How to turn a liberal hipster into a capitalist tyrant in one evening | Comment is free | The Guardian


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