Monday, January 20, 2014

Google More Innovative Than Apple - Business Insider

After more than a decade "The Internet of Things" seems to be being talked up more again...

Google More Innovative Than Apple - Business Insider

and what with google trying to make a big deal of home heating and lighting with Nest Labs which clearly with the iPod man at its helm have done great things, it still only the message I recall Scott McNealy peddling about Java and Zigbee in the 9o's

I don't doubt that augmented reality with LBS being real now and wearable become fashionable (we know about fashion) and of course "scanners" for everything from RFID to traffic, nature and health its going to be interesting how real it gets before 2015!

Linked Data, Big Data, Visualisation, Mobile and Cloud services and Cloud learning is as interesting as ever. The school in the cloud, the clinic in the cloud, the brain in the cloud, makes sense to me!


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